The most common advice given to agents when they get their license is to make a list of everyone they know and let them know they are now in the real estate business. A sound recommendation but all too often, after the initial announcement, there is no more effort to promote the fact that they're in real estate.
Some of the recipients will never see the announcement, and for others, they won't remember. Good marketing recognizes that most people need to see a commercial 10 ... 12 times before they understand it and can remember it. Don't be an agent who says, "I told my friends once that I'm now in real estate; they'll remember me."
Social media and video posts have made staying top of mind faster, less expensive, and much easier.
Posts, stories, reels, and live video delivering helpful homeowner content are effective ways to be certain that everyone thinks of you when they think of real estate without constantly asking them if they want to buy or sell.
Zig Ziglar's favorite saying was "Help enough people get what they want and you'll get what you want." By consistently helping people be better homeowners by providing excellent information on a wide range of real estate topics, you'll build a brand in their mind they'll remember and value.
Add value to the people in your sphere of influence, your past customers, and other people in your database by communicating with them in a way that gives them the confidence and knowledge to choose you when they decide to buy or sell.
To help you with setting up your database, download our Sphere of Influence "Turning Connections into Clients" information guide and while you're there, discover what InTouch Systems can do to help make your life simpler.